Program > Program by author > Azpitarte Francisco

Identifying tax implicit equivalence scales
Nicolas Herault  1@  , Justin Van De Ven, Francisco Azpitarte@
1 : University of Melbourne  (UoM)  -  Website
Victoria 3010 -  Australia

This paper describes a simple and tractable method for identifying equivalence scales that reflect the value judgements implicit in a tax and transfer system. The approach depends on two identifying assumptions and a functional description for transfer payments that can be estimated using common data sources. We use this approach to evaluate tax implicit equivalence scales for the tax-transfer systems of 12 European countries that applied in 2012. Cross-country averages for the tax implicit scales generate a surprising set of stylised results: at low incomes, each additional household member increases the tax implicit scale by approximately 0.5, relative to 1.0 for the first adult; at high incomes, the average tax implicit scales describe variation that is remarkably similar to the modified OECD scale. However, substantial cross-country variation underlies these average scales, suggesting important differences in value judgements underlying the respective tax-transfer systems; differences that can otherwise be difficult to discern in complex and opaque systems.

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