
Association for Public Economic Theory Association for Public Economic Theory
The Association for Public Economic Theory (APET) is dedicated to the promotion of theoretical research in all areas of public finance and to the facilitation of communication amongst economists working in these areas. It edits the Journal of Public Economics
Université Pantheon Assas Paris 2 Université Pantheon Assas Paris 2
University Paris II Panthéon-Assas advocates diversity and cultivates a true synergy between research, instruction, and application. It offers a broad choice of courses both in initial and continuing education, coalescing study abroad and field work. Considered as France's first law university, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas is dedicated to upholding the tradition from which it arose, preserving, yet ever-striving to raise its level of excellence in the following disciplines: Private Law and Criminal Science, Public Law, Political Science, Roman Law, History of Law, Economics , Management, Information and Communication Sciences.
CRED - Paris Center for Law and Economics CRED - Paris Center for Law and Economics
CRED - Paris Center for Law and Economics, is a research group of economists at University Pantheon-Assas Paris 2. It hosts PET 2017. CRED is especially focusing researches in Law and Economics, Markets Regulation, Public Economics and Quantitative economics.
Sodie Sodie
Sodie is a consulting firm which provides Human Resources services. Sodie performs individual and collective coaching programs in career transition and professional mobility. With 35 years of an outstanding experience of supporting employees involved in restructuring companies, Sodie has improved a specific expertise in social engineering.
TEPP is the CNRS Research Federation n°3435 on Labor, Employment and Public Policies. It is a multidisciplinary federation of researchers investigating labor and employment issues. It federates researchers in economics, sociology and managing sciences. Its conducts evaluation of social programs using advanced techniques combining theoretical and econometric models, qualitative research techniques and controlled experiments.
IUF - Institut Universitaire de France IUF - Institut Universitaire de France
Appointing new members being selected by an international jury every year, Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) supports the very best young and senior French university professors by providing them a 5 years research grant and extra-time for research. This way, IUF promotes highest quality research in French universities, across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence.
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