Program > Program by author > Chen Yiwen

To Migrate with or without ones' Children - the Chinese Case
Yiwen Chen  1@  
1 : Université du Luxembourg  (  -  Website
Université du Luxembourg 6 rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi L-1359 Luxembourg -  Luxembourg

What should Chinese internal migrant parents do with their children: taking them to
migrate or leaving them behind? Empirical study based on the Rural-Urban Migration
Survey in China data is inconclusive. So over-lapping-generation model is employed. Depending
on the relative income level and the relocation cost of children, we provide necessary
and sufficient conditions when migrant parents should take their children to migrate
and how should they provide their children with private education. Furthermore, those
optimal choices of migrant parents have impacts not only on their children's human capital
accumulation, but also on the economic potential of their descendants in the future.

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