Program > Program by author > Rodrigues Bruno

The duration of maternity leave in France and the transitions back to the labour market: results from a competing risks model
Vincent Vergnat  1@  , Bruno Rodrigues  1@  
1 : Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée  (BETA)  -  Website
université de Strasbourg, CNRS : UMR7522, Université de Lorraine
PEGE 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire 67085 STRASBOURG CEDEX -  France

Previous papers have shown that childrearing has a different impact on a mother's professional career depending on the duration of the maternity leave and on the mother's education level. In this paper, we use a competing risks model to determine which variables may explain the duration of maternity leave, as well as the exit state of the maternity leave. Mothers can decide to go back to the same employer, change employer, change labour supply or drop out of the labour market. Our results show that it is mostly age, wages, tenure, firm size and macroeconomic variables that play a large role in the way young mothers enter the labour market again. We compare our results with those obtained for Germany, and find similar results.

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