Program > Program by author > Jacqmin Julien

Fiscal decentralization and the performance of higher education institutions: the case of Europe
Julien Jacqmin  1, *@  , Mathieu Lefebvre  2, *@  
1 : HEC Liège
2 : BETA  (BETA)
University of Strasbourg
* : Corresponding author

This paper empirically evaluates the impact of fiscal decentralization on
the performance of higher education systems. To test this relationship,
we build up a panel dataset composed of European countries. Countrylevel
performance is measured by an indicator using ranking data. Two
complementary methodologies are used: a dynamic panel approach and
an instrumental variable approach. In both cases, we find that a higher
share of government spending coming from decentralized levels of governments
leads to an improvement of the performance of research-intensive
higher education institutions.

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