Program > Program by author > Kurschilgen Michael

Divided in Morals, United in Selfishness - an Experiment
Michael Kurschilgen  1@  
1 : Technical University of Munich  (TUM)  -  Website
Technische Universität München Arcisstrasse 21 80333 München Germany -  Germany

People use moral wiggle room to behave selfish. But does a narrow wiggle room necessarily produce better social outcomes? When people disagree on normative goals, economic theories of self-image predict that narrowing the moral wiggle room will make choices not only less selfish but also even more heterogeneous, and thus potentially more conflictive. I test this conjecture experimentally in a modified dictator game with and without moral introspection. My results confirm the theoretical predictions, revealing a large disparity of moral valuations of efficiency vs. equality. (C91, D03, D63, A13, Z13)


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